One Perfect Song about One Perfect Love across
languages and cultures
Ein Kasten Bier, Tabak und Longpapers
(Download over Soundcloud)
This one time that we went
to this city called Gent
and the times that we spent
I will sing about
Sing about days, sing about night
without language to fight
what I sing about is after all
the light
Ooh she could comprehend
not a word of this gent
but then he gave her his hand
and the first Night went.
Let’s sing about the times
that we walked in the light
We had no need to search
for words
When foreign tongues could meet
could make us understand
what brings us through the night
So he showed her around
it was hard to keep count
of the streets, of the sounds
of spring
They had learned things before
had known love, lies and more
but as both saw that door
they went
Through long talks, kind and fun
a second night on the run
from the clock, as the sun
Let’s sing about the times
that we walked in the light
We had no need to search
for words
When foreign tongues could meet
not for words, oh no
could bring us through the night
Could they be sure to understand
trust the truths here at hand
turn from doubt, turn to dare
a leap
As a third night came close
after sunset they chose
nothing more to oppose
they said:
There’s no culture, there’s you,
there is me, just the two
of us, here to ignite
like a solar storm